welcome to Carlile College


Dean, Rev. Collins Nyawade

"The School of Mission (SOM) was established in 1958 for the purpose of training men and women who have a call and passion for the mission work of the church under the auspices of Church Army in Africa; an Anglican Mission Society .

The school trains evangelists who after training are strategically placed within the structures of the Anglican Church in Africa and in any other church organization with specific areas of engagement. Most of the graduates in the School of Mission are serving as evangelists who help organize and mobilize the church for community outreach through Open Air meetings, Revival meetings, Bible Study etc. They also serve in Sunday School Ministry, Women Ministry, and Youth Ministry and among the less fortunate in the society. Over the years, the school has grown to be a pan African institution drawing students from over 17 countries in Africa. The courses are offered from an integral mission approach with H.E.A.L (Health, Education, Advocacy & leverage for wealth creation) being our thrust. "


Our training is based in these 5 major areas: MISSION, BIBLICAL, PASTORAL, URBAN, &THEOLOGICAL STUDIES
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